Our founders overcame challenges, prayed, worked and gave generously of their time and money to establish four Christian schools in Greater Hobart. Our community has always risen to overcome a myriad of challenges.
Above: Mrs Vander Laan lays the first brick at Calvin Christian School
When supporting our school through volunteering or as part of a gift - large or small - your valuable contribution is key to building the Christian leaders of tomorrow through the provision at Christian Schools Tasmania of an excellent, Christ-centred education.
It’s the nature of our generous community that enables us to further enrich the schooling experience of all our students, especially for those needing fee assistance. Your support also accelerates the much needed refurbishment and redevelopment of learning and gathering spaces around our school.
Your Support Makes a difference
To find out more about specific projects at your nominated school, please follow the links below.
If you don’t see an option that is suitable for the way you’d like to give, please contact us.
Bank Details
Bank Transfer
Account name: Christian Schools Tasmania
BSB: 067105
Account: 1004 4632
Please send cheques payable to Christian Schools Tasmania, addressed to 299 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000
Please include details of what school fund and project you would like to support and provide contact details if you would like a receipt and communication in the future on how your gift has been used.
Scholarships - OJ Hofman Scholarship Fund
In honour of our Founding Principal, OJ Hofman, the OJ Hofman Scholarship Fund is used to provide scholarships, bursaries and awards to promote educational opportunities for students at Christian Schools Tasmania schools.
Gifts to this fund are tax deductible. If you have specific requirements or would like to give on a regular basis, please contact us.
Christian Schools Tasmania in Your Will
By leaving a gift in your will to Christian Schools Tasmania, you are leaving a legacy of Christian education for current and future generations. For further information please see:
For a confidential discussion please contact us.
History and Impact of Giving
In 1954, a culture of giving was established by the Christian Schools Tasmania Association’s fifty founding members - parents - when they set about creating a school from scratch, without expertise and without any support or assistance from government. They came together with a common purpose of providing Christian education for their children.
Our Commitment To You
It’s in our nature to honour God and your intentions as a donor, and to maintain excellence in the governance of your gifts. We want you to know how your gift is being used and the impact it is having.
However you choose to actively engage with Christian Schools Tasmania, we are genuinely committed to nurturing a lifelong relationship with you.
I don’t wish to give online. Are there other options?
Yes we’d love to assist you! Please contact us to discuss your exact needs.
Are donations tax deductible?
Yes! Gifts given to the OJ Hofman Scholarship Fund is tax deductible. These are both registered as deductible gift recipients under relevant Australian Tax Office requirements.
For one-off donations, you will receive a tax receipt once your donation has been processed. If you make a recurring gift, you will receive your receipt at the end of the financial year.
Although we can provide general information to support you in your giving journey, we advise that you consult your financial adviser or accountant.
What about gift governance?
Christian Schools Tasmania endeavour to administer all gifts consistently in accordance with Australian law and to honour the intentions of donors where possible.
Christian Schools Tasmania reserve the right to decline gifts where acceptance may compromise our fundamental principles.
All gifts from donors will be acknowledged by an official receipt to the donor. Where appropriate, further acknowledgement, recognition and publicity will also be undertaken.
Christian Schools Tasmania endeavour to maintain openness and transparency with donors. Where appropriate, we will provide reports about the way gifts have contributed to our success and gifts will be appropriately reported in our published financial statements.
What about privacy and transparency?
We respect the privacy of our donors. Where requested, a donor and the details of their gift will be kept private and confidential. Donor information is highly privileged knowledge and will only be used by us to maintain contact with donors.
We will also provide periodic updates to donors on the impact of gifts through tailored communications, as well as through our newsletter and social media platforms. To connect with us, please provide your contact details when making your donation.
Christian Schools Tasmania occasionally reach out to our community and donors to raise funds for specific priority projects. This is one way you can stay connected with your school and the Association and keep up to date with the latest developments. It also provides you with an opportunity to provide feedback, update your details and find out about upcoming events.
For further information or to opt-out of receiving future communications please contact us.
Doesn’t the school receive money from fees and the Government?
The money we receive from fees and government funding only covers our operational expenses. This is largely because we ensure that our fees are affordable for those who value Christian education. In turn this makes funding larger scale projects such as refurbishments and new building projects challenging.